Diabetes isn’t curable, and without consistent management, it puts you at risk of developing life-threatening health problems like high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, and heart disease. With support from the skilled Alpha Advantage team in Lakeway, San Antonio, and Plano, Texas, you can maintain healthy blood sugar levels and even prevent Type 2 diabetes (if you catch high blood sugar early). Call the nearest office or request an in-person or telehealth appointment online today.
You need a certain amount of sugar in your bloodstream to be sure it's immediately available for energy. But if your blood sugar goes higher than the healthy range, the extra sugar causes serious health complications, including:
Diabetes occurs when your body can’t remove excess blood sugar. This problem develops because your pancreas can’t produce insulin (the hormone that lowers blood sugar) or your body doesn’t respond to the insulin released into your bloodstream (insulin resistance).
There are numerous types of diabetes, but the following four account for most cases:
Type 1 begins at an early age when an autoimmune disease damages the pancreas and stops insulin production.
Prediabetes means your blood sugar is elevated. However, it's not high enough to be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. At this stage, you can prevent full-blown Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes develops gradually over years of an unhealthy lifestyle — excessive weight, a poor diet, and lack of exercise lead to insulin resistance and then to Type 2 diabetes.
Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy. While blood sugar usually returns to the healthy range after delivery, gestational diabetes poses a risk to your pregnancy and baby. You may also have a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes later in life.
All types of diabetes cause:
Symptoms occur rapidly with Type 1 diabetes. They develop so slowly in people with Type 2 diabetes that you may not notice them at the start.
You can prevent Type 2 diabetes and health complications after diabetes develops through two primary treatments: lifestyle modifications and medication.
Following a diet that doesn’t make your blood sugar spike is essential. Exercise and weight loss also lower your blood sugar.
If you have Type 1 diabetes, you must take insulin. People with Type 2 diabetes may need medications to lower their blood sugar if lifestyle changes can’t keep it under control.
Call Alpha Advantage or use the online booking feature to schedule an appointment for diabetes management today.